The Science of Caring for Curly Hair – Curly Bird
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The Science of Caring for Curly Hair

The Science of Caring for Curly Hair

One of the keys to learning how to care for your curly hair is understanding the science behind what makes it unique. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the structure and biology of curly hair, and how it differs from straight hair.

Curly hair is determined by a combination of genetics and hormones. While some people may be predisposed to having curly hair through genetics, others may experience changes in curl pattern due to hormonal changes.  We have a close friend whose hair developed curly hair after she gave birth!  Your hair may change throughout your lifetime...keep learning and enjoy the journey!

The uniqueness of curly hair begins at the scalp level with the hair follicle.  The shape of the follicle determines the angle at which the hair grows, which in turn determines the structure of the hair and the pattern of the curl. The shape and structure of hair is known as a "cortex," and curly hair has a distinct cortex from straight hair. The cortex of curly hair is more tightly packed, which means that curly hair is more prone to tangling and breakage than straight hair.  This makes it critical to nourish your curls with the right products, and to avoid harsh chemicals and heat styling tools that are commonly used for straight hair.  You also need to be gentle when brushing and detangling.

Another important scientific aspect of curly hair is its unique moisture requirements. Curly hair is naturally more dry than straight hair because the oils produced by the scalp have a harder time traveling down the curls. This is why it is important to use products that are specifically designed for curly hair to keep them hydrated and healthy.  Dry brushing can also help with distribution of scalp oils, which we address in on our website and in our blog.

Now that we have a better understanding of the science behind curly hair, we can start taking steps to care for it properly. This includes using the right products, avoiding harsh chemicals and heat styling tools, and being gentle when brushing and detangling. By taking care of our curls, we can help to maintain their natural beauty and health.

Be sure to check out our "The Curly Bird Routine" and other blog posts for more info.

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